Welcome to the

Nottingham Buddhist Centre Online

We have been here since 1996 - teaching and practising meditation, exploring and studying Buddhist teachings, and creating a local community of those following the Buddhist path. 

We are part of the Triratna Buddhist Community - a worldwide movement of people who try to engage with the Buddha’s teachings in the conditions of the modern world. 

The name Triratna refers to the traditional three jewels of Buddhism; The Buddha - the great teacher and exemplar, The Dharma - the Buddhist Teachings, and The Sangha - the community of Buddhist practitioners. 

We, the Triratna Community and Order, are ordinary and fallible human beings, and want to be open in acknowledging that this movement has had its difficulties and controversies. We are committed to attending to any mistakes or breaches of ethics with openness and care, and to learn from them, developing a system of safeguarding throughout the movement. If you would like further information on this, please read the FAQ sheet (link below) or get in touch with our Safeguarding Officers, Padmasakhi and Jyotida, for further inquiries or clarifications please feel free to email us at info@nottinghambuddhistcentre.org. 

The Wisdom and Compassion of the Buddhist path is needed in the world now more than ever, and our wish is to reach out and share that as widely and open-heartedly as we can. 

The Council of the Nottingham Buddhist Centre

Kusaladevi, Khemasiri, Aryavacin, Kshantika, Karunavaca, Jyotida, Gareth Austin, Rachel Woodburn and Paul Johnson

See the bottom of the page for useful links and further information about Triratna.


Change Your Mind, Change Your World: Week 1

Home Practice

We want from you is to familiarize yourself with the use of this page. So take your time to watch the videos with the content from the class and explore this material as follows:

  • Watch the video below of Week 1

  • We’d like you to find out what are the best conditions to support your meditation practice at home. Take your time this week to experiment following the recommendations from Gareth’s video on posture and Satyamegha’s five minutes breathing space.

  • Also have a look at the PDF guide to posture, you can click here to download a full PDF with more details

  • You’ll find that to support your efforts to focus your attention you need to make some changes to your environment. We want to encourage you to experiment with simplifying. Click here to Download the PDF

  • Below is also the Journey and the Guide talk by Maitreyabandhu - Week 1