Men’s Morning
Sunday 23rd February | 11:00 am - 13:00 pm
Open to men who have completed an introductory course and are familiar with how we practice.
We tend to think of creativity as something for artists, or as a specialised activity, like painting or writing. But spiritual practice can turn our whole life into a creative act, and yet so often we find ourselves stuck in the same ruts.
Join Dayajava for a session exploring the two fundamental orientations of the mind, what Sangharakshita calls, mind reactive and mind creative. We'll be discussing what makes them distinct as well as how we can bring more creativity into our lives.
Booking: To donate for this event and reserve your place, click the button below. We run everything at the Nottingham Buddhist Centre on a donation basis so if our recommended donation is more than you can afford please give whatever you feel able to. If that’s too much please don’t let the donation put you off. Instead you can always email us to request a place on the course at