Women’s Gathering | Thread of Faith
Sunday 3rd November


Sunday 3rd November 10:00 am - 13:00 pm

Open to all women who have completed an introductory course

'There’s a thread you follow, it goes among

things that change, but it doesn’t change'

Can these two lines from the poems be connected to Buddhist shraddha? Shraddha, or confidence/faith, is essential for developing wisdom. It involves faith in something greater, faith in a spiritual path, and belief in one's ability to follow it to bring about change. Do we feel this faith unfolding in our lives? How do we maintain this connection? Join us for a morning of exploring the three kinds of faith, and more importantly, to enjoy practicing and being among women practitioners.

Booking: We run everything at the Nottingham Buddhist Centre on a donation basis, to donate for this event and book on, click here or on the button below. If our recommended donation is more than you can afford please give whatever you feel able to. You can always email us to request a place on the course at info@nottinghambuddhistcentre.org.