Sub:35 Event

Saturday 7th December


This event is for people who have completed an introductory course and are between the ages of 18-35.

We now meet the first Saturday of the month 14:00pm - 16:00pm

Join us for the final Sub:35 meeting of the year! This is a chance to come together as a community, reflect on our practice and experiences from 2024, and set intentions for 2025.

There will be chance for meditation, group discussions, and ritual to close the year and reflect on what we would like to focus on in our practice for the year ahead. 

Booking: To book on and reserve your place click either buttons below. We run everything at the Nottingham Buddhist Centre on a donation basis, so if our recommended donation is more than you can afford please give whatever you feel able to. If that’s too much please don’t let the donation put you off, we really want people to attend events regardless of their financial situation. There’s always the option to email us to request a place on the event at