The Buddhist Case for Veganism
The Nottingham Buddhist Centre provides vegan food and drink in order to support the practice of vegetarianism and veganism. We are committed to this as an extension of our commitment to the practice of Buddhist ethics.
‘When I think about Buddhism and veganism, it makes me think first of all about just how crucial, from a Buddhist point of view, it is to practice non-harming of living beings. This is something the Buddha said right from the very beginning: you must practice non-harming of living beings and you must behave from kindness as if all beings are your friends. This is why I became a vegetarian and then became a vegan.’ - Ratnaprabha
If you are interested to explore the Buddhist case for Veganism, here are a number of resources -
Eat Peas! Thinking about the Ethics of Veganism by Sadayasihi
Buddhism on a Plate: the case for Buddhists to go vegan by Samacitta
Vegetarianism: A Buddhist View by Bodhipaksa (accessible and practical, includes a section on Veganism)